With Omni-Gen, you can more easily break down data silos and add new data sources, migrate legacy systems, manage M&A activities—and achieve better results from your digital transformation efforts


Omni-Gen Data Integration

TIBCO Omni-Gen is a highly scalable data integration framework that streamlines the acquisition, harmonization, management, and governance of enterprise data and makes it available to a range of consuming applications. It leverages modern data integration, data quality, master data management and application integration technology in a single interoperable architecture to deliver highly valued dependable information utilizing best practice deployment.

Overall Value of Omni-Gen

Omni-Gen can integrate and persist transactional data and relate it directly to mastered data. For example, it can show clinical documentation for patients, display on-time delivery metrics for suppliers, and disclose whether customers are purchasing according to contracts.

The ability for business users to define their models, and for implementers to generate large parts of the MDM process, significantly reduces project timelines and dramatically increases the economic value of enterprise data.

Users can develop golden records for all key business entities by creating a single, accurate, web-accessible reference point for all common data elements, such as customers, locations, or employees. They can also incorporate transactional subjects along with their mastered domains.

Omni-Gen provides a complete instance record of original data from source systems and shows changes as it moves through the system. Mastered or instance data snapshots are recoverable and viewable from any point in time.

Omni-Gen provides seamless integration and the ability to interact with existing systems and data structures, enabling the rapid consolidation of millions of records according to easily defined business rules.


What’s Keeping CDOs Up at Night?

Data quality, data integration, and MDM each represent a leg of the data management stool. If any of these legs are defective, a business can be destabilized by multiple concurrent challenges


Challenge #1 Data Integration: Breaking down the silos

Data must be gathered, combined, structured, organized and reconciled with any variations in format, to ensure that it’s fit for purpose and ready to be consumed.

With Omni-Gen’s Data Integration Edition you can standardize and harmonize your enterprise data. Flexibly retrieve information from multiple sources, including databases, cloud and on-premises applications, unstructured data, offline files, and spreadsheets into an enterprise-level canonical model to break down data silos and insulate your business users from the complexity of operational systems.


Challenge #2 Data Quality: The Devil’s in the Details

To build trust in data, it needs to meet multiple quality criteria: completeness, consistency, conformity, accuracy, integrity, and timeliness.“If data isn’t trustworthy, any insights gained from it are at best, meaningless or at worst, misleading.”

With Omni-Gen’s Data Quality Edition you get pre-packaged cleansing tools, data lineage insight, and dashboards which enables you to continuously track quality indicators and fix problems.

Ensure that your mission-critical data is of the highest quality to allow your teams to make their strategic decisions with confidence. Build trust in your data and your company’s ability to make correct, informed decisions.

Omni-Gen Data Quality Editionincludes all functionality available in the Omni-Gen Data Integration Edition


Challenge #3 Master Data Management: Pursuing a Single Version of the Truth

Today’s executives are looking for a 360 view of the business to influence all aspects of profitability, revenue generation, and strategic development.

“Too many businesses have approached MDM as a technology project, with business stakeholders
providing only minimal participation.”

With Omni-Gen’s MDM edition you provide your teams with a 360-degree view of your organization’s data. Identify business risks and opportunities more quickly with a comprehensive, accurate, and consistent view of information.

We’ve eliminated customer integration codes and replaced them with out of the box components to
offer a more complete and holistic perspective of what you expect to see: accurate, consistent


The TIBCO Omni-HealthData data management solution gives providers a 360-degree view of patient, provider, facility, and other critical healthcare domains.


Intelligently harmonize your data to better manage risk, illuminate efficiencies, and make better decisions in today's complex insurance environment

Short introductory videos of Omni-Gen


TIBCO Data Virtualization

An enterprise data virtualization solution that orchestrates access to multiple and varied data sources and delivers the datasets and IT-curated data services foundation for nearly any solution.

When silos of data are spread across traditional data warehouses, enterprise applications, big data lakes, operational data stores, and the cloud, your business teams are challenged. Breaking down silos is hard, specialized, time-consuming work, and in the meantime, you’re flying blind.

Data virtualization helps you overcome these challenges by creating one place to combine, provision, and access all your data through business-friendly views that hide the complexity of multiple technologies, formats, protocols, and locations.


TIBCO® Data Migrator

TIBCO® Data Migrator, represents a broad category of tools designed to facilitate and automate the extraction and integration of data from various sources. At various points during the process, from source extraction through target load, data is transformed through the application of business rules. Once the transformation is complete, the data is loaded into table structures that have been optimized for a particular application.

The packaging of TIBCO® Data Migrator

Executes and deploys the data and process flows from which a data warehouse, datamart, or other data targets are constructed.

Simplifies all of the major tasks required to build data flows and process flows, andcreate, manipulate, and access the metadata associated with those flows.

Provide direct connectivity to any database, application, and other information sourceson any platform. To view the full list of standard adapters that are available to you, unlimited, out-of-the-box, see TIBCO WebFOCUS Omni™ Adapters Quick Reference.

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