Consulting Services


Our services cover consulting, training and support services. Customers are not left alone with the solution they choose, as we offer comprehensive services for the entire product life cycle.

"Our experienced consultants bring the best practices into projects."


Technical consulting

Our experienced consultants bring the best practices into projects. Our customers usually respect the possibility to progress the projects based on their business, being the best experts of it.
The close co-operation results to:

Precise definition of project

Realistic schedule

Manageable budget

Easy information flow to both directions

Committed end-users to the project

Result that reflects the customer


BI & data support services

Our software support and -maintenance covers technical support on-site and by phone. We offer also modification to existing reports and portals and development of new ones. Data validation, reconciliation and quality checks are our expertise too, likewise ETL job maintenance and development. The aim is to keep your BI implementation and data healthy and accurate.

Latest software versions are included in our support services. We communicate daily with our vendors and their support is also available when needed. We train our personnel constantly to latest versions of software to ensure first class support.

Training services

We offer your key personnel training needed around data management and analytics. Our training is based on our products, and the training covers base usage and usability to more enhanced features. Our experience has proven that best practice in training is using customer own data and material – thereby we arrange customer specific courses which can be tuned very precisely for customers’ needs.
Our professionals are certified among these areas



SAP support services

S.Y.B. Estonia OÜ is a certified SAP Partner Center of Expertise (PCoE) partner. This means that our technical support methodology meets all requirements of SAP. The most complicated technical support situations are solved in close collaboration with SAP.

We are authorized to provide support services for SAP products in categories:

Database and Data Management

SAP Analytics

Our support services agreement includes troubleshooting situations where the product does not work as expected.

The support services agreement includes an unlimited number of calls to our customer support phone line on weekdays from 8:00 – 16:00. Clients who have signed the support services agreement are entitled to designate up to four contacts with access to online support services. The agreement also includes software upgrades.

To request support services in:
Estonia – call +372 618 1300 (Estonian, English) or email us at support(at)
Finland – call +358 207 580 826 (Finnish, English) or email us at support(at)
Lithuania – call +370 700 88767 (English) or email us at support(at)
Other countries – call +372 618 1300 (English) or email us at support(at)

Outside of business hours, in case or Urgent priority cases – email us at support(at) and call +358 207 580 827 (English, Finnish).

Access our Support Guide here

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