
InfoBuild awarded with Kauppalehti Achiever -certificate
We have been awarded with the ”Kauppalehti Achiever”-certificate, which is awarded to only a small part of Finnish companies! The certificate is a guarantee of quality and reliability.

TIBCO and Mercedes-AMG Petronas Formula One Team Continue Data-Driven Winning Streak
Pre-Race Simulations Using TIBCO Spotfire Play a Critical Role in Car Setup and Configuration TIBCO Software Inc., a global leader in enterprise data, empowers its

TIBCO WebFOCUS Humanizes the User Experience and Dynamically Scales for Efficiency and Business Continuity
Innovation Culminates in a Containerized, Cloud-Native Solution, Simplifying Access and Improving Data Management TIBCO Software Inc., a global leader in enterprise data, empowers its customers

TIBCO Analytics Forum 2022 Explores Revolutions in Analytics, Data Science, and ModelOps
Digital Event Assembles Industry Experts in Analytics to Discuss Key Technology Innovations TIBCO Software Inc., a global leader in enterprise data, empowers its customers to

Infobuild’s representation in tibco’s products is expanding
According to the agreement signed on January 20, 2022, InfoBuild Oy’s right of Tibco’s representation will be extended to all products included in the Tibco partner program