Kela developing performance management reporting: New reporting system for managers

Kela employs management by objectives (MBO), with extra emphasis on quality. Performance agreements are prepared yearly at the Kela level and for each business unit. Fulfilment of these agreements is tracked with performance reports created on a six-month and yearly basis.

Previously, each business unit produced performance management documents in various formats, and a summary was manually prepared for use by management. The summary was copied and then sent back to the performance units for further use. This method required managing several document types, and the process itself has been a slow and arduous undertaking. The reporting system for management has allowed us to develop reporting and tracking of performance management processes across our entire organization.

The greatest benefits have included increased consistency, transparency and openness as well as streamlining the document control process and bringing it to real-time.

With the new system, we can focus on the current state and development needs of our business units with a “single-desk” principle. Scattered information is collected into the system’s centralized database where each unit has programmatic access to print-ready reports. Clear and consistent color graphics displays and a visual look also make it easier to gain insight. Every employee can track results and reports, and this has brought increased transparency, openness and consistency to the performance management process.

Director Esko Karjala, Kansaneläkelaitos


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